We are proud to announce our partnership with BIYORK Floors
When people think of partnering with a flooring company, they often have the same ideas about who should be involved. You might imagine it’s just about getting the right amount of stock to sell or the right amount of cards to hand out at trade shows. Or you might picture someone from marketing coming in and telling you what your sales strategy should be. But there’s more to it than that – partnership isn’t just about being helpful. It requires both sides working together as equals, striving for mutual success and making sure everyone wins in the end. To do this successfully, you need a team that knows what they’re doing and has all the right tools available to get things done, efficiently and on time.
Our partnership with BIYORK Floors allow us to provide you accessibility to the best and most recognized flooring suppliers out there. As part of our commitment at SOMI, we strive to continue to grow and bring progress and continued support to the customers we serve.
At BIYORK, the floors are certified to the highest standards including a rigorous and extensive testing measure from SCS Global awarding our floors with the Floor Score certification.
In 2021, BIYORK has also incorporated Anti-Bacterial coating on all new flooring products which provides extensive protection from the spread of the three major bacterias.
You need to partner with a flooring company that has a proven track record for success and that has the tools and resources available to help us and our customers succeed, too.
A partnership between a flooring company, our store, and the customers isn’t an accident. It takes work and it takes time. And it takes both sides being willing to make a few sacrifices and to stay flexible. But it can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling at the end of the day, when you walk out of our store with a smile on your face and a satisfied customer in tow.
We look forward for this year as we continue to progress and bridge the gap between our suppliers, store, and valued customers. Stay tuned for further updates in the near future.